I'm Juan Salcedo
Hydraulic Engineer - Civil Engineer Technologist - Engineering Graphics Technician
What I Offer
Civil Engineer
Engineering Graphics
Some Projects
Infraworks Model
Municipal Design Project
I created this model using CIVIL3D and Infraworks. I was able to use the countours from the district Saanich and implement the in my design. This is actually an existing site and I was able to replicate the water, sewer and storm main and make a 3D model in Infraworks.
- Created - 20 May 2023
- Technologies - CIVIL3D -- INFRAWORKS
- Role - Engineering
- View - https://juancarlos904.github.io/testing/
Whistle Bend PH6
Whistle Bend PH 6
Whistle Bend PH6 is a land development project that included 175 lots. I was part of a team of engineers and acted as the Civil Inspector for this job site. As part of my experience I created this model using CIVIL3D, SketchUp and Infraworks. This is ongoing project curretly with 9 phases and with 6 more phases projected in the future.
- Created - 20 May 2023
- Technologies - CIVIL3D -- INFRAWORKS -- SketchUp
- Role - Engineering
- View - https://juancarlos904.github.io/testing/
Well Sample ARCGIS
Municipal Design Project
This is a map of a well sample taken in Courtenay, BC. Using Arcgis I was able to filter wells near main roads and take a better look at the quality of the water near the test points.
- Created - 20 April 2023
- Technologies - ARCMAP
- Role - Engineering
- View - https://64b4b4f0c64854238235980b--funny-pony-10d722.netlify.app/
Watson Lake Airport Electrical Replacement
Municipal Design Project
This is a map of a well sample taken in Courtenay, BC. Using Arcgis I was able to filter wells near main roads and take a better look at the quality of the water near the test points.
- Created - 20 April 2023
- Technologies - ARCMAP
- Role - Engineering
- View - https://64b4b4f0c64854238235980b--funny-pony-10d722.netlify.app/
Water Distribution Improvement
Made Improvements to Current Water Distribution System
I worked with the public water company to come up with a solution for a sector that had a lot of water problems
- Created - 4 dec 2020
- Role - Engineer
- View - https://watergridimprovement.netlify.app/
Portfolio Intro with THREE JS
I was able to improve the looks of my portfolio thanks to THREE JS and the variety of effects that this tool has. This allowed me to practice my skills and improve the fron end experience of users. .
- Created - Jan 2022
- Technologies - JavaScript - THREE JS - CSS
- Role - Engineer
- View - https://juancarlos904.github.io/testing/
Haines Junction PH4 Land Development Project
Responsive Dashboard Design
A design I made for an app. Its a responsive Admin Dashboard with a night and day theme changer.
- Created - Sept 2021
- Technologies - html css js
- Role - frontend
- View - admindashboardjsalcedo.netlify.app
Hydraulic Stress of a Cucumber Crop
Hydraulic Stress of a Cucumber Crop
A study with samples taken over a 14 day period. Shots taken with a drone and a FLIR thermografic camera. Hydraulic stress was present all over the crop due to poor irrigation techniques.
- Created - Jan 2020
- Technologies - FlirTools Python
- Role - Engineer
- Learn More - hydraulicstresscucumbercrop.netlify.app/
C9 Subdivision Inspection
C9 Land Development Project
A study with samples taken over a 14 day period. Shots taken with a drone and a FLIR thermografic camera. Hydraulic stress was present all over the crop due to poor irrigation techniques.
- Created - Jan 2020
- Technologies - FlirTools Python
- Role - Engineer
- Learn More - hydraulicstresscucumbercrop.netlify.app/
Whistle Bend PH9 Inspection
Hydraulic Stress of a Cucumber Crop
A study with samples taken over a 14 day period. Shots taken with a drone and a FLIR thermografic camera. Hydraulic stress was present all over the crop due to poor irrigation techniques.
- Created - Jan 2020
- Technologies - FlirTools Python
- Role - Engineer
- Learn More - hydraulicstresscucumbercrop.netlify.app/
Whistle Bend PH7 Inspection
PH7 of the Whistle Bend land development project
A study with samples taken over a 14 day period. Shots taken with a drone and a FLIR thermografic camera. Hydraulic stress was present all over the crop due to poor irrigation techniques.
- Created - Jan 2020
- Technologies - FlirTools Python
- Role - Engineer
- Learn More - hydraulicstresscucumbercrop.netlify.app/
Willow Acres Subdivision PH2
Cut and Fill calculations
Using the TMDB API I created a clone of Netflix.
- Created - 4 dec 2020
- Technologies - html tailwind react firebase
- Role - frontend
- View - github.com/juancarlos904/netflixclone
Haunted House with 3JS
Haunted House THREE JS.
Playing around with THREE JS I was able to build this Haunted House project with ghots circleling around. It was a fun project that allowed me to practice my JS THREE SKILLS.
- Created - dec 2021
- Technologies - THREE JS - JavaScript
- Role - Engineer
- View - https://hauntedhouse3js.netlify.app/
Physics and THREE JS
Physics in THREE JS, In this interactive model I was able to practice my JS THREE SKILLS and create a fun model in the process.
- Created - Aug 2022
- Technologies - THREE JS - JavaScript
- Role - Engineer
- View - https://js3physics.netlify.app/
Hydraulic Stress of a Plantain Crop
Hydraulic Stress of a Plantain Crop
A study with samples taken over a 14 day period. Shots taken with a drone and a FLIR thermografic camera. Hydraulic stress was present all over the crop due to poor irrigation techniques.
- Created - Jan 2020
- Technologies - FlirTools Python
- Role - Engineer
- Learn More - plantaincrophydraulicstress.netlify.app
App for tecnology & services
Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Earum impedit voluptatibus minima.
- Created - 4 dec 2022
- Technologies - html css
- Role - frontend
- View - www.domain.com
My Experience & Skills
Programming Tools
Programming Languages
Engineering Software
About Me
Hi, I'm Juan Salcedo, an Engineer based in Canada
I'm a Hydraulic Engineer, Civil Engineer Technologist and Engineering Graphics Technician I have experience in land development, water treatment, and enjoy working with CIVIL3D, BIM, GIS software. I'm always eager to learn and develop new skils.