Project Page

All Web App Engineering

Seafood Corner


Responsive Website Design

I created this site using HTML, CSS and JS.

Water Distribution Improvement


Made Improvements to Current Water Distribution System

I worked with the public water company to come up with a solution for a sector that had a lot of water problems



Portfolio Intro with THREE JS

I was able to improve the looks of my portfolio thanks to THREE JS and the variety of effects that this tool has. This allowed me to practice my skills and improve the fron end experience of users. .

Responsive Dashboard


Responsive Dashboard Design

A design I made for an app. Its a responsive Admin Dashboard with a night and day theme changer.

Hydraulic Stress of a Cucumber Crop


Hydraulic Stress of a Cucumber Crop

A study with samples taken over a 14 day period. Shots taken with a drone and a FLIR thermografic camera. Hydraulic stress was present all over the crop due to poor irrigation techniques.

Netflix Clone

Source Code

Netflix Clone App

Using the TMDB API I created a clone of Netflix.

Haunted House with 3JS


Haunted House THREE JS.

Playing around with THREE JS I was able to build this Haunted House project with ghots circleling around. It was a fun project that allowed me to practice my JS THREE SKILLS.

Physics and THREE JS



Physics in THREE JS, In this interactive model I was able to practice my JS THREE SKILLS and create a fun model in the process.

Hydraulic Stress of a Plantain Crop


Hydraulic Stress of a Plantain Crop

A study with samples taken over a 14 day period. Shots taken with a drone and a FLIR thermografic camera. Hydraulic stress was present all over the crop due to poor irrigation techniques.

Featured - Design

App for tecnology & services

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  • Created - 4 dec 2022
  • Technologies - html css
  • Role - frontend
  • View -